Holiday Special

I have created this wonderful exciting Holiday Season to help take away any negative energy that may be surrounding you. The Holiday Season Special will consist of three parts. The first one will be for cleansing any negativity away from you . This includes a seven (7) days cleansing candle, three (ml) organic essential oils, four (3) stick cleansing incense to burn, a crystal or tumble stone to carry with you and a small organic bath.
The second one will consist of a seven days (7) specialty prosperity candle with three (ml) organic essential oils, four (3) stick incense to burn, one crystal or tumble stone to carry with you and a small organic bath. The third and final one will consist of a seven day love specialty candle, three (ml) essential organic oils, four (3) stick incense to burn, one crystal or tumble stone to carry with you and a small organic bath.
This holiday special will take any doubts, fears and anxiety and other peoples negativity that is projected towards you and attract the positivity to bring better results in these three stages of cleansing, prosperity and love into your life and your heart desire. The cost of this package is
Is $60.00 but will be cut in half for $30.00 plus shipping & handling for the holiday and instructions will be enclose.
I have created this special Court Package to assist you with any legal issues that you may be having. This package is designed to bring about the best out come to your legal problems. The court package consists of two sections large and small with different pricing for the two.
1. The large court package will consist of the following items listed below: Three specialties candles, one (1) hour spiritual tarot card reading, (2) two spiritual cleansing bath, two (2) specialty root ( one to chew, one to carry with you. One bottle of court oil mixture (15 ml), one package of ten (10) court incense and two crystal or tumble stones all for $300.00 2. The second court package (small) includes the following items:
Two (2) specialty candles, a thirty (30) minute spiritual tarot card reading, two spiritual bath, one court root and one packet five (5) court incense. One (1) court oil mixture ten (ml), and two court crystal or tumble stone all for the price $150.00. Instructions will be included for the best result
I created a Dream Kit that will assist you in remembering your dreams once you have awaken in the morning. You will need to place a glass of water near your bed or underneath it and it's a good idea to have a dream journal nearby- for the purpose of recording your dreams.
Find a trusted friend or family member whom you can discuss your dream(s) with and what they mean to you. Talk about the people, places, environment and symbols in the dream and how you feel about them. The Dream Kit will help you get a good night sleep and wake up ready to go.
The Dream kit will consist of the following with instructions: a) 2oz bottle of organic essential dream oil mixture which you will spray on your pillow case. b) Satchel of organic dream fresh herb(s) mixture that you will place inside of your pillow case. c) A pack of (10) Ten individual Dream Organic incense to light prior to going to bed. (2) dream Crystals and/ or Tumble Stones to be placed underneath of your pillow. For the price $35.00 plus shipping and handling. Sweet Dreams
Here is a wonderful gift package that I have put together that's affordable for everyone. The special includes (15) fifteen minute reading, package of 10 variety of incenses, one crystal stone or tumble stone. At a price of $35.00 dollars plus shipping and handling

I have created a prosperity package for the coming New Year which will bring and attract money, prosperity, success and happiness in all of your endeavors you apply yourself to. This package will consist of a scented Bayberry candle, small prosperity spiritual cleansing bath crystals or tumble stone and a word stone which you will use as an affirmation, (3ml) essential oil size. For just $40.00 - plus shipping and handling.

I have created Love Attraction package that would make a perfect gift for someone you care for or for yourself. This special package consists of the following: A special Love Candle which will bring you that special someone to love. A tumble stone,word stone, essential oil (3ml), and love attraction spiritual bath all for just $40.00 plus shipping.