“Mend the mind...Mind the body... Meet the soul"

We all want to live a life full of tranquility, but to do this we must pay attention to some of life’s imperfections that acts as a mirage in our lives.
We all have an internal voice speaking to us, what we decide to do with this voice is our choice. We are all psychics; however, some of us are blessed with the abilities to recognize our psychic being better than others. With this in mind, why not treat yourself to the freedom of another person interpretation of the things which we choose to ignore.
My readings will lay a foundation of what is happening now in your life, what will happen in the future as well as give you the tools to turn around negative situations before they happen. In my years of doing readings, people have come to me when they wanted advice on different things in their life as well as help them identify which direction they should take to make their lives more beneficial. With the tools they receive from my reading will help them take better control in their lives as well as help them accomplish their goals.

About Leonard
I am a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but currently reside in Cornelius, NC. I have been doing readings for over 40 years.
I knew at the age of five (5) that I was different. I had recurring feelings that I had been here before and someone was protecting me and guiding me for a purpose. I started having dreams, and I was always running in these dreams; running from things I don't know.
I was raised in Catholicism and I have a great faith in God, and that faith showed me that I was running from myself. This allowed me to believe in myself and gave me the self esteem I needed.
Therefore, this gift came out in conversations with others, where I found myself giving them advice which the outcome was a major turning point in their lives. People started offering me monetary gifts for the advice I gave to them, which had a positive impacted on them. I then decided that this was my calling and wanted to share my gift with others.
I started moving in the psychic circuit in the tristate area of NY, NJ,PA, DE& DC for psychic festivals, parties and private meetings. I was a resident psychic at the New Hope psychic festival and the church of ageless wisdom.
My abilities were very acute because of my abilities of doing a reading via the telephone which allowed me to converse and do readings with people from all over the Country. Now, I am here to share my gift and powerful energy from the universe with you.
Readings are a guide to help you. I cannot solve your problems, I can only suggest the tools and advice to help you through your problems. I am not a doctor or a psychiatrist. You should always contact a physician for any medical or mental health problems you may have. All readings are strictly CONFIDENTIAL.
There are no refunds. With our busy schedules, it may at times deter you from keeping your scheduled reading appointment. I ask that you kindly give me 24 hour notice to reschedule for another reading time.
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